Here is a bow from a stave that was very generously given to me by Mr. Flint Hills50 when I met him at OJAM 2012. If yall ever get a chance to meet him, he is one heck of a man with amazing knapping skills. Look forward to next year and thanks again buddy!
Ok, this bow gave me a time making, the rings were very thin, it had a large dip and twist from a knot that was below the belly, and I came 10 lbs under weight. So I piked it 6 inches to 62 inches which also took most of the recurves off. I couldnt re-recurve, as it was already so short, I didnt wanna overstress a thinned ringed bow. So I heat treated it reall nice and brown, which looks really nice on osage by the way, and got it up to 40 pounds. Went with a simple handle on this one, and antler tips. The bow started with 3 inches of reflex, ended with 1.5 after resting.
This stave was gifted to me, and I really wanted it to be something special as a bow. So I waited until I had a real good reason to make one of it. That opportunity came when I met the father of a Navy SEAL deployed to ( its classified ) and told me that when his two boys were younger, their past time was archery. So.... I offered him to make a bow for his son in the military for Christmas. I figured this would be worthy of the stave.
Anyways, heres the goodies...