Hello everyone...its been a long time since i made a bow, and this days, i said to my self that its time to make a bow...

...i had this piece of cornus mas, sitting on my corner for some time, and i said to give it a try...this piece of wood, wass realy tricky, and to be honest, i didnt think that i could make a bow out of it...it wass not straight at all... the ends wass straight, but in the middle it was in the shape of an U....so first, i tried to straighten the wood, using the heat gun...finaly the wood wass pretty straight, thenn i started to tiller the bow....it wass not easey...in the midle the bow wass deflex, and at one end, wass reflex, and the other end wass straight...so, it wass a little dificult to tiller this litle bow...also 2 knots had me worried a little ....i didnt think it will survive at full draw, but in the end it wass all ok.
The bow is 61 inches long, and its 31lbs @ 28"...its kind of a practice bow i quess,,, it wass just an exercise for me, after a long breack...i didnt want to ruin a good stave, and i said to give it a try to this piece that i had in my shop...i didnt want to use it for making barbeque...specialy coz its cornus mas wood, wich is preatty dificult to find...

...here are the pictures...i forgot..for the finish i use linseed oil...