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Offline CedrikG

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Re: little question
« Reply #15 on: December 22, 2012, 10:43:20 pm »
Ok now I really feel the need to explain the story surrounding the fiber glass ... hahhahaha  :-\

Please do not make an image of me from this thread. I am a guy who is completely addicted by the primitive method, and I am EXTREMELY strict on using all natural material in what I am good at, friction fire and primitive kind of survival. I am extremely strict on using no modern tool to create fire, and also use the natural ''medecine'' and make my tool from forest... Adapt to mother nature and she will provide is the way I do things. Please visit my youtube channel to see what I do. Hundred of people say I am completely freak about being too ... primitive and not allowing myself to cheat with modern way to light a fire.

Ok now that I said that, 1 year ago I began to have a big interest on making primitive bow. I bought Traditional Boywer's Bible Vol. 1 , read a little but at this time I was super crazy focussing on friction fire, and decided to wait for bows. I still cut a few trees that seemed ideal, split them and let them dry since then. I made 2 bows for fun, that were shooting ... corectly, but broke after few hundred of shoot ... now I know what mistake I made.

Then lately i realised it was the perfect time for beginning the new hobby, now that I pretty much mastered the primitive fire making. So now I go in the forest, make a friction fire and work on my bow around a fire.

NOW, lately I was watching some really awesome video on youtube, ''making a primitive bow part 1 to 5'', from an awesome guy. These bow shoot so well, and I know it takes years of practice to arrive to such a good result. While watching different video for fun I step on this guy video :

The bow seemed very nice, shoot very well. While reading the comment the guy said he made his bow by following this site:

I read the site, and tought hey ... here's my chance to make a really quick, cheap bow that I will be able to practice with. After I came here and started this thread ...

My intention are good, folks :) believe me

Okkkk, I feel good now, thanks for opening your hearth to my pain
« Last Edit: December 22, 2012, 10:46:35 pm by CedrikG »
Adapt to Mother Nature and she will provide

Offline scp

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Re: little question
« Reply #16 on: December 23, 2012, 12:09:25 am »
IMHO there are several ways to practice primitive archery. One would be making bows using only natural materials. Even then people are usually not that strict about modern strings, finishes, and glues. Another would be making bows using only primitive tools. This is rarely practiced, especially if you are going to sell your bows. The third would be making bows using primitive means. Doing it this way, you are allowed to use whatever you can relatively easily get so long as you don't need especially modern knowledge, skill, or tools. According to this practice any homemade bows will be fine even if they are made with artificial materials. In many places yew bows would be out of the question and even osage orange bows might deemed to be too impractical for many people. I would rather be free to be "primitive" in my own way. Good luck.

Offline CedrikG

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Re: little question
« Reply #17 on: December 23, 2012, 12:52:11 am »
I might not have explained myself very well, according to my lack in english.

I will of course use draw knife and such material to make my bow, but I will not use fiber glass and probably not buy board. Thats what I meant :)

also, I will never sell bows ...
« Last Edit: December 23, 2012, 12:57:48 am by CedrikG »
Adapt to Mother Nature and she will provide

Offline scp

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Re: little question
« Reply #18 on: December 23, 2012, 02:03:39 am »
You have already shown your authenticity. I believe you would be quite welcome here.

As for selling selfbows, IMHO we need to do it much more. And to sell youth selfbows, we better make them as safe as possible, even if we have to back perfectly fine wood bows. I would use linen, but I will not hesitate to use fiberglass if doing so make them more easily sellable. I will just make the backing thin enough not to interfere with the original performance of the wood bow too much. I'm talking about using fiberglass fabric tape on stave bows here. I have used it just several times. I'm not sure it is any safer than linen. I even bought some unidirectional tapes to test, but I never used them because I just don't like to handle the itch material. So far, I haven't even tried to make it transparent either. If you really wanna be serious about making selfbows, you would have to try to sell them sooner or later. That's the best way to perfect your craft. ;)

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Re: little question
« Reply #19 on: December 23, 2012, 05:11:08 am »
Respect... and welcome I look forward to seeing pictures of your work you have explain yourself perfectly and everybody makes mistakes ??? So please continue without hesitation ;)
Is this bow making a sickness? or the cure...