Happy Birthday, J.W. ! Boy, I wish, I was closer to you, I would take you out to
a local bar, and since it's all over anyway, you buy "ME" all the drinks, I could drink, which by the way, I would use to toast your Birthday. Who knows, by reversing tradition, it might throw the magnetic anti spinning force out of balance, and cause it to go off into space, and hit the sun, or some such inconsequential object, and leave the earth, to happily, spin on it's axis, and all will be well.

No J.W., turning 50, isn't the end of the world! But it is, the start, of when every morning you get up, you will notice another warranty, has run out.

If, the Mayans were miss interpreted , and the Yellowstone Caldera doesn't explode, then in June, I will be an official "Old Guy". 65!

But just remember the more Birthdays, you have, the longer you get to live! Any day above ground is a good day! Again have a Happy, and like the others said, many more. But if the Mayans were interpreted correctly, well, then look at it this way, for a few moments, the winter will be over, and lovely warmth, will envelope you......till the back wave hits, then it is crispyville, we will no longer be the lovely blue planet, but a smudge in the universe. But God willing, and the Creek don't rise...... ooh, should have put that in the sayings, section of around the campfire.....

But hopefully all will prevail, and just in case, I will go right now,and have shot of Crown Royal Black, in your honor. Shoot, I will even take a hit of Back Berry Brandy to boot. Well, shoot, I don't want the others to feel left out, so some Rum, Scotch, Tulla More Dew (Irish Whiskey), Tanqueray Gin, some Hot Damn, some Rumple Mintz, Peppermint Scnapps, White Dog, legal moonshine...and uhhl, mm ayl, maybeeee.,.><'.94hfodf tooold.m
tak....e carra;/.e an,../d hap;.pu,.bijrd ayl..'''m

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