So....Where is the lid?

What a slacker!

So what are you doing on here anyway?!! You should be soaking more pine needles!

C'mon, lets get that lid made, and decorated, in a star pattern. Awww quit yer moanin, ya wus, get busy, it probably won't take that much longer than the basket.

Wow, first time pine needle basket? Sheesh, that is beautiful !!

Yes, you need to do a build along!

Now about that lid.....

Oh, after you get through with the lid, you need to try to make a Pomo style basket!! They were woven so tight, they were water tight, and could be used to hold water, and they used no sealant! Now there is a challenge to recreate! Of course I don't know where you would get the grass that they used. Maybe you could trade Yosemite Ben for some.

Now stop reading this and get on that lid!