My wife and I have been discussing this since the story was aired.While alot of people discuss ways to prevent such tradgities from happening, I have to ask myself why are they happening ? What has changed in society that causes people to do this ? While I whole heartedly believe in gun control ,that is only a part of the equation, as is the belief that violence in modern society is to blame. Lets face it guns were much easier to get in the wild west days and life in general was alot more violent but this sort of thing was unheard of. Some say that these people have mental issues and need help. Well in 1860 for example, they did'nt worry that the dog was mad, when it bit they put it down.
I believe it has more to do with the complete lack of disciple and responsibility fostered in our modern society. Values like duty, honor and responsibility have been replaced with " I am an individual and my opinions and individuality count, I must be accepted for who I am". The give me all the privileges now and dont ask me to earn it mentality it rampant in young people today. Look at the problems the internet has caused with Freedom of expression taken to the extreme. It seems like since the 60s a state of Chaos has been allowed to grow in NA. Freedom is a good thing, but too much of a good thing can be harmful.
These are my thoughts, may be off base but they are what they are.