Well after all this discussion lately about what wood is better and all that I decided to take the opportunity to work some yew that I got my hands on. I had only worked it once before and didn't have much luck...anyway I thought I might go ahead and make a similar Osage bow right along with it for comparison. Both are 62" ntn and right around 40lbs. The Osage has a 10" handle section on account of the 3" fades (been wanting to do that for a while) and weighs 18.5oz. The yew has an 8" handle section and weighs 17oz. Other than that they were pretty much apples for apples. Anyway, I didnt get em all slicked up yet but I did take a couple pics while tillering to share with ya.

I have to say they both shoot equally well. I still love Osage a little better just cause I know the wood and I'm like a bull in a china shop when I'm workin wood. I really had to be carful not to dent the yew... Keenans stave press helped me with that.

all in all I'd say they are both winners. Next on my list is hhb and hickory head to head

Thanks fer lookin and as always comments and critique are welcome.