Ok, I'm am ashamed, but I just shipped today. It will be there thrursday. I have been in contact with my guy. Lucky for mr, he's about the most laid back person I could have gotten. That being said, just for fun, I'm gonna post a bit about the gift on here.
JW, when you get the package, first off, don't open outside if it is windy. You will regret it. Also, there is an accessory to this that completely changes its function. Do not try using it for its normal percieved function with the accessory attatched. Bad things happen to good people that way. This gift is a multi tool and will have other accessories that I will send you as I get them built. As is, completely useful, and safe, with common sense. I have never seen what I have made done before and am quite happy with it and look forwarnd to your reviews. Harsh use is not recomended.