Thanks everybody. Greg, I have only shot it enough to know that I really love the way it shoots, and that it is going to be hard to give away. 48# is a little lighter than I am used to, so I wasn't expecting it to shoot such a quick arrow.
Oughta be a a forgiving accurate shooter...nicely done
Thanks Blackhawk, that is what I was going for. I am giving it to a longtime friend who rifle hunts but has shown interest in bowhunting. It is a late wedding present. His wife is actually excited about archery too. Anyway, that is why it is a bit overbuilt and a little light on the draw.
Thanks Cedrik. I really enjoyed your spindle fire starting videos on youtube.
Thanks Ryan, I definitely like how the white on white overlays came out. I think I will do that again, good luck with yours.
Matt, I am sure you could. Keep after it and get that first bow of yours flinging some arrows!
Thanks Gabe. Mine is definitely lacking some curves compared to your little yew hottie.

Thanks Keenan, means a lot coming from a guy who really knows fish skins.