Very nice, 70# is a good weight to get your technique honed on. (It's plenty for me these days)
Dunno, if you want any nit picking criticism? So sorry if I'm speaking out of turn

I know I don't like people criticising my tiller, but I've listened

, tried it their way and then gone back to my old tried and trusted arc of a circle generally for ELBs

I'd say the upper limb looks a whisker stiff in the outer 1/2, maybe that's why you have a fair bit of set, the outer limbs don't look to be doing their full share of the work? I just held a CD up to the screen and the middle does seem to be working harder than the rest of the bow.
The set could just be the wood of course, Yew is pretty variable stuff.
I love the nock, not too fancy, got a nice medieval feel to it, I don't like 'em too fancy (not tried cow horn myself)