It's only one grade above an F bow, or one that failed. Really, you should try harder, buckle down young man or we will have to take away your X-box privileges.

The D means the shape of the bow when strung. If you were to look at a side view of the bow, when strung, with the string to the left and the arc of the wood to the right, it appears to make the letter "D".
As a bow like this is drawn, the entire bow bends from tip to tip , to some degree. Even the handle section. If you stiffen the handle section, you no longer have a D bow. They are often referred to as a "bend-thru-the-handle" bow, or a bendy handle.
If you post a picture of a well made D bow on this site, you will get a lot of positive compliments. Because of their simplicity, it is difficult to hide poor tillering or bad design....if it even survives! A good "D" bow is a thing of beauty, efficiency, and a wonder of design.