This is interesting. From a letter written by Aldo Leopold in 1934.
"I have tried to build into this bow the main recent improvements in bow-design, but since some of them are not visible, they will bear mention. The square cross section and waisted handle are, of course, visible innovations, but probably less important than the new location of the geographic center. In former days this was put close under the arrow plate, but in this bow it lies as near the center of the handle as is possible without overworking the lower limb. In a 3 1/2" handle I have found this spot to be 1 1/2" below the arrow plate. Some authorities make it 1 3/4", but I know from observation that these too-modern bows never appear at two successive annual tournaments, or if they do, they are "on crutches" and ready for premature pensioning to some idle peg on the bow-rack."
It is interesting to me that he is talking about 1/4" difference in placing the geographic center resulting in an ideal bow or an early retirement bow.