I do about like Killer Duck,I lay them out[most of the time] even from the center of the stave,then after tillering I will shoot it and then decide where the arrow pass goes,I move up and down a small amount till I fine the sweet spot for me. Never had a problem with balance in my hand,I hold on to it when I shoot anyway. 
I truly don't think it makes any different. I think the bottom limb gets more stress when stringing it more than shooting it. I usually go 1/4 to 3/8 pos.[stiff] on the bottom limb,I don't quite understand why making them even would help keep the bottom from getting weaker over time if you are having that problem. 
I do about the same thing usually just to make sure the bow is balanced before I do the handle and arrow pass, but for the most part I lay the bow out symmetrically, and place the arrow pass about 1/2" or so above center. This ends up making the ideal arrow pass close to the center of the handle alot of the time. Which is probably not ideal,

. This is one of the reasons I like cord wrap handles. It makes things more simple for me, as I can basically nock the arrow pass where ever the sweet spot is as you call it. But it's weird with me. If I draw a typical recurve draw, with a anchor point around the bottom of the chin or so, it seems like it stresses the bottom limb a bit more. On bows that I draw like this, I seem to need a stiffer bottom limb than usual. Where as on a bow that I draw across the chest, it seems to stress the limbs more evenly, and can get away without having either limb overly stiffer then each other. This is what it seems like to me anyway. That is a good point about stringing. But for the most part, if I don't use a stringer, than I string my bows in front of a big mirror to make sure I am stressing the upper limb more for this reason. Most of the time, what I will do when tillering a bow, is check with a fist melee on each limb and balance each limb until the fist melee is almost perfectly even, with maybe one side being no more than an 1/8" of an inch lower, and alot of time I try to get them closer than that. Than I will determine by drawing and shooting in the bow, which actual limb is stiffer, and make that my bottom limb. So I guess I lay my bow out symmetrically, and tiller darn near symmetrically too,

. I have been thinking of trying a more positive tiller, but aesthetically I just don't like it. My OCD just won't let me for some reason, haha. I have heard that on a bow with a shorter bottom limb, positive tiller is not always necessary in order to have a balanced bow? Is that true? I have a question for everyone. If you were going to lay out a 60" bow with a 4" non-working handle, and make the bottom limb shorter, how exactly would you personally do it?