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Bone Arrow Head Gallery - Sticky

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Pat B:
Welcome to PA, James. Thanks for your contribution.  8)

Thank you Pat!
Hard to capture with a phone camera but I experimented making right and left bevel points when the bone seemed naturally shaped to encourage it. By using the appropriate matching fetching I figured there could be a penetration gain. At the least no harm in trying...

I chose to individually notch each head after fitted to the actual hunting shaft it belongs to because my wild rose and redosier dogwood shafts were all different sizes after reduction in spine and weight. By doing this it took more time but allowed me to notch the head exactly to the sides of the shaft which in turn helped the sinew wrapping lay as flat as possible creating as little resistance to penetration as it could on an animal.
I also found it helpful being able to file down/shape the base of the notches to reduce any unwanted width. Here in N.Y. I need 1" but wanted no extra to slow me down on the way into a chest cavity.

Carp plate points. I think I may be on to something.

Pat B:
I got one of them carp bone points stuck on the end of a feathered stick.  8)

Wildman do you have any photos showing the bone removed from the fish? This is very interesting! Well done sir...


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