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Bone Arrow Head Gallery - Sticky

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A bone arrowhead I ground out on this big flat rock I have. Made from some cow bone

Its fairly large at one inch wide and two and a half inches long but its bone so its fairly light.

Gimlis Ghost:
I've bought Buffalo bones for my dog that were very hard and thick. This dog has real bone crusher teeth and occasionally leaves very sharp triangle shaped shards of bone that would require little work to make into great arrow points.
My old Plot/Pit mix bear hound never left any shards behind. I saw him bite a fresh slaughtered cow's spinal column in half and eat the whole thing in one sitting like a kid eating popcorn.

I'll start collecting those shards and see what I can do with them.
I found an interesting rock awhile back that would be perfect for grinding bone.
Its perfectly flat and is made up of thick layers. The surface is peppered with sharp hard crystals that cut hardened steel like nothing I've seen before. I kept it intending to use it to sharpen lawn mower blades.

As for the sinew arrow points I'd read of those many years ago.
Apparently they used these when hunting large body game so if the point hit a rib it woud deform rather than break and slide around the bones to go deeper than you'd expect.
This was "elastic deformation" which means they would return to their previous shape once past the bone rather than "plastic deformation" which would have been permanent bends.


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