Author Topic: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?  (Read 13329 times)

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Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« on: October 07, 2007, 12:47:31 pm »
I found a nice large bees nest on a low hanging branch not far from one of my tree stands. I can see bees are still going in and out of it.

I would like to know what I need to do to remove it and hang it in my den. I have seen that done but not sure when to take it down and not suree if there will be bees in it later on. Any advise would be apprecated by those who have desplayed on of these treasures before.

Offline Mike_A

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #1 on: October 07, 2007, 01:39:44 pm »
I dealt with bees a lot when I was a kid. My dad raised them for the honey. First off I have a couple questions. Is it a bees nest or hornet, wasp that kind of thing? If it's other than honey bees I'm not real sure of their habits. And second do you know if you are allergic to them? If you know you are then don't mess with them. If you don't know and still want to try it deffinately have someone close by in case it all goes south on you. After considering this what I did as a kid was done a bee keeper suit. If you don't have that use coverals and thick gloves. Duct tape the openings to your gloves and boots. Make sure it's duct taped good. To protect your head and eyes use use a couple ski masks with all the openings closed except for the eyes. You'll want two ski masks to make sure they don't sting through. and a good pair of gogles that fit tight. Make sure you have someone else check you over for holes in the armor. When you get to the nest have something with you that will make a good bit of smoke and smoke the bees thoroughly to settle them down. Then take a garbage bag and spray some bug killer in the bottom and put it over the nest and seal it good at the top. leave it like that for about a day or so before you cut it down. when you cut it down all the bugs should be dead. Then put clear laquer over it very carefully so as not to ruin the nest and that should help seal it and harden it up. Hope this helps and be careful. Mike

P.S. If your not allergic to bee stings but it's been a while since you've been stung be real careful you can develop an allergy to it. It happened to my uncle and he nearly died of it. And last but not least take a good look from a distance and see which way the bees leave and enter the nest and don't get in their way. They don't like that. If you still plan on doing it be careful and let me know how it goes. Mike
« Last Edit: October 07, 2007, 01:57:50 pm by mikea132 »
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #2 on: October 07, 2007, 01:53:41 pm »
Thanks for the advise Mike. I think it is a wasp nest. It is one of the grey paper cone shaped nests. I am alergic to bee stings and always carry an EPIPEN. What if I wait until a few heavey frosts and than follow you instructions? Will that be safer?
Also,  think I will take a picture of the nest nest time I am out there and post if for you to see.

Offline Mike_A

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #3 on: October 07, 2007, 02:02:30 pm »
It's me again. The colder the better. If you have a nice heavy frost that would be the ideal time to do it. They will be far less active. Mike
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2007, 02:10:19 pm »
I am in Iowa so we do get cold weather. It's still warm here and I did see activiy around the next the other day. I am going to keep an eye on it and when it freezes up some I iwill cut it down. put in a plastic bag and spray some wasp killer in the bag. I  think I will hang it in my garage and watch it as the weather warms next spring before I put it up in my den. Again, thanks for the advise.

Offline Mike_A

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2007, 02:15:37 pm »
Sounds like you've got it Roger. Only thing I can think of to say is make sure you put ample wasp killer in the bag before you put it over the nest. As soon as you put the bag over them they will be a bit upset, if they aren't already. Be careful. Mike
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #6 on: October 07, 2007, 02:35:05 pm »
 If you are allergic to stings I'd stay away from it till it gets cold.When the stinging starts with hornet's you are not just gonna get one.A funny sidenote;i saw a bar in Telluride,Colo. clear out on a warm spring day when a nest hanging in the corner,turned out to be hibernating.
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #7 on: October 07, 2007, 02:50:12 pm »
I know a guy who collects those nests and uses them for wadding in his black power rifle, not sure why? I think maybe its supost to reduce fouling or something? I prefer to leave them bee......  :D LOL. Ive been stung to many times :P
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #8 on: October 08, 2007, 07:35:50 am »
It is probably a Hornet nest.They will leave it come winter but the birds will tear it up.I have taken them down at night.Slip a heavy trash bag over it and cut it loose.Be careful not to disturb them until it is in the bag.Then in a day or so Open it and spray.reseal and Run.They aren't active at night unless disturbed. ;D :)
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2007, 11:02:00 am »
I was gonna say what pappy said. Do it at night, spray lots of bug spray, seal tight and wait. Or dont spray and give it to someone you dont like very much. Just dont let them know where it came from. :D

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2007, 05:55:22 pm »
ok, an other question. Are there any eggs in the next that will hatch after I have it hung up a few months or will spraying kill everthing?

Offline Hhop

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2007, 06:54:48 pm »
Just hang it somewhere that it will be exposed to below freezing temperatures and it will be okay. I have sold several on Ebay and always just wait until winter to collect them. I have a couple that I will go back and get in a couple of months, and hopefully someone has not blasted them with a shotgun before then!
Good luck!
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2007, 05:35:56 am »
The only problem with waiting till winter is the birds get in the,For the eggs.I have tore
them down and they are full of eggs.I would spray it good inside and out and leave it out in the cold ,somewhere varmets and birds can't get to it. :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2007, 09:25:08 am »
Thanks for all the good advise guys.  I am going to go down and take a picture of the nest today and post it. It is not high off the ground so I can get it down easily.
You know it is funny how something like this nest can be so cool to have. I am going to take c are of it before the birds do.

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Re: Forund a nice large bees nest, have questions?
« Reply #14 on: October 11, 2007, 10:09:04 am »
For the best results, Pappy is correct. I just do not want to contend with the hornets or spraying....and one of the hornet nests I have spotted is hanging over the bank of a river. That one, I most definitely do not want to try and get until I am sure that the hornets are not an issue.
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