Author Topic: longbow or recurve?  (Read 2072 times)

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Offline nclonghunter

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longbow or recurve?
« on: December 02, 2012, 12:51:25 pm »
I am having a glass 3 piece bow made and I was told that long straight bow limbs shoot faster than recurved limbs?

What is the advantage/disadvantagte of recurved limb vs straight limbs?

I recall that recurve tips somehow change the string angle for better finger release, the string is at less of an angle on shorter bows. The one I am getting is 60", so it may not matter.

I can also string the straight limb bow without a stringer, but the recurved ends need a stringer.

Any other information is needed, Thanks
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Offline Cyrille

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Re: longbow or recurve?
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2012, 07:02:14 pm »
I cannot say that there is any advantage or that one is better than the other. It depends on what you you like, or are use to,  most comfortable using etc. As to which shoots faster... That also depends on a variety of factors FF string, "skinny string", or Dacron? Optimum draw length, your D L, weight of arrows, the poundage of the bow heavy weight, medium weight or light weight.
  Personally speed is a non-factor to me, accuracy is the be all and end all as Wild Bill Hickock used to say "speed is fine but accuracy is final"
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 Cyrille Troubadour & Archer.

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Offline Gordon

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Re: longbow or recurve?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2012, 02:08:22 am »
I make both designs. About the only advantage I notice with a recurve is that you can make a shorter bow that doesn't stack.