I am sure there are many people on here that like Rutabagas, but I can assure you I am not one of them, no matter what you try to cover it up with. I assume that it is an acquired taste, like Scotch Whiskey. I love a good Scotch, or Real Irish Whiskey like Tullamore Dew. But my Parents, and Grand father used to eat Rutabagas, I would try to sit somewhere else. They smell like they were cooked in the outhouse, I just never was able to acquire a taste for them. Like butter milk. I don't want to be at the same table with it. Put it in biscuits, pancakes, yes, drink it, Blech!

It looks like baby burp, and smells like baby burp, and how the heck do you tell when it has gone bad? As far as I am concerned, it started out bad!

Well as for the ticks, you need to get some chickens, guineas, or turkeys.

They will get rid of a lot of bugs, including spiders, roaches, anything that they can catch and swallow. Oohh, speaking of turkey's, ...... my local wild flock, just came in to eat the left over deer, I mean uh, range cow food, so I have to go throw some cracked corn out for them. There are only 12 of them now. But they are all adults now. So I haven't had any problems with ticks, or grasshoppers. Or Rutabagas!
