What ryoon and del said. Way to go mathy on us Del!

Since your limbs have differing reflex, you will need to
--shim up the side that is low until they are even, then bend and continue tiller. Otherwise, you're going to overweaken the reflexed limb in tiller. It will look the same as the other limb but actually be weaker.
--Course i suppose you could leave it so that tip is always just above the other and make that the lower (stiffer) limb as well, since there's not a ton of difference.
--OR, you could heat in a little more reflex on the other limb so they match

IF you've properly floor tillered and checked taper, you should make your tiller string so you can just barely get it on the bow and it lays snug against the belly. Otherwise your tips will look too stiff and the inner limbs too light. You may even be able to very low brace it (2 or 3") and check the tiller. If it looks ok then you could flex it some and adjust from there.
As far as the wavy limbs, I find that pictures help a LOT when my eyes get tired. Clip the limb into segments and compare the bend in each segment to the others and to the unbraced profile. You will NOT end up with a smooth looking bend (as far as a perfect arc). A wavy limb makes a wavy arc

Go slow, enjoy it, and learn a ton. Ok, I'll shut up now