Author Topic: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?  (Read 4303 times)

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Offline Pappy

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Re: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?
« Reply #15 on: December 04, 2012, 08:32:19 am »
I have the same problem with both elbows,broke them about 40 years ago,right one in 7 places and left in 5 places from a motorcycle wreck,neather will straighten out or rotate out to flat,they hurt most of the time but I guess over the years I have just learned to deal with it. Man if I had known I was going to live this long I would have taken better care of myself. Good luck with you injury,most cases I see [and I see a lot in archery] go away if you will lay off of them for a little while.  :) :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Offline stickbender

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Re: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?
« Reply #16 on: December 05, 2012, 05:53:55 am »

     Try the magnets, and try "DHEA", and DHA, and Arnica Montana. (leopards bane) I had the tennis elbow real bad when I was working construction.  it hurt like all get out when I picked up a hammer, and sometimes it was all I could do to make it through the day.  I got some DEHA, and it helped, took about two weeks, but it finally started to go away.  About a year ago, I was trimming trees, and hedges around the house, and over did it, reaching out to cut limbs and such with a chain saw in one hand, and it came back, and is just now fairly better, but it I do anything that pulls that muscle, it lets me know it is still there.  My chiropractor gave me an exercise to do, slightly once in a while, till I build up to be able to a few sessions a day.  You just lay your forearm out on a table or other flat surface, and take your other hand, and place on top of the hand of the affected arm, and put a little resistance on it, and raise your hand against the resistance .  Do this for about five to ten reps, and leave it till later in the day, and do it again, and then every day, and slowly build up the number of reps, and times you do it in a day.  Don't over do it at first, or you will just inflame it.  He helped me get rid of my Plantars Faciitis.  All the above vitamins and herbs, I mentioned are good for inflammation.  The Arnica Montana, is really great to prevent brusing, and helps in the healing of pulled muscles, and sprains.  My
girlfriend's dogs spilled water out of their water dish, in the kitchen, and she stepped in it on the tile floor, and her feet went out from under her, and landed on her side against the cabinet. I had sent her some Arnica, about a week before, and she was taking it for her knee, and then this happened.  She was sore, but never bruised, and healed pretty fast, after a visit to the Chiropractor's office.  I was splitting wood with a maul, and a piece of wood flew out and hit me on the left shin, and it swelled up big time but never bruised, and is almost all gone now.  Thanks to the Arnica montana.  I was cutting a big pile of logs here, with my neighbor, and was tossing the sized sections out of the way, near the wagon, and then stacking them in the wagon, and then taking them up the little incline, to where I tossed them in a pile, to be split, and stacked.  Well the inside of my elbow was screaming like mad!  Still sore, but nothing like it was, every now and then I would bump it, and holey cow did it ever hurt.  But I stared eating the arnica like candy, and taking the Dhea, and DHA, and it is starting to feel pretty good now, but if I put any kind of strain on it, like lifting something heavy, in a curling motion, it lets me know not to do that yet.  So I am going to start doing light resistance work on it also.  Sure be glad when it gets better.
     I hope this will help you.  You can get the arnica at any healthfood store.  I get it here,at a little health food store in a little bottle for ten bucks, with 500 in the bottle.  The ones I got before were in a little tube type bottle, and you only got a hundred or so for about the same price.  It may take a little while, but it is great stuff.  All three of them help with inflammation, and the healing of the tissues.  If you have an impact on your body, or pull a muscle, or strain, take the Arnica Montana immediately, and you will not bruise, and you will heal much faster. ;) 


Offline Gordon

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Re: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?
« Reply #17 on: December 06, 2012, 02:05:46 am »
Yep, I have the same problem when I do a lot of hatchet and scraping work. I wear a band around my forearm and it seems to help somewhat.

Offline H Rhodes

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Re: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?
« Reply #18 on: December 06, 2012, 03:47:47 am »
Thanks for all the advice fellows.  I have laid off of the chopping and rasping for a couple of weeks now and it seems to be improving.  Wayne, I will give those a try, thanks.  What kind of band do you use Gordon?  I bought one of those elastic elbow braces from the drug store and I plan to wear it while working on bows.     
Gautier, Mississippi

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Re: Tennis elbow - bowyer's elbow?
« Reply #19 on: December 07, 2012, 03:47:45 pm »
Hatchet work and heavy rasping really flair my elbow up. Usually just lay off of it for acouple of days and it will clear up. I also have acute tendinitis in both shoulders. Bow making flairs it up also, but it usually only hurts at night while trying to sleep and goes away when i get up and moving so i just try to ignore it. A few years ago i had carpal tunnel so bad i had to all but quit bow making but surgery cleared that up.
Steve Bennett