I leave for a little bit and you guys start talking about cartoons?
TMK, I've made my points. You've made your points. All that I can do now is put my money where my mouth is. An osage warbow had been on my list for a while so once I get a suitable piece I'll get to work.
Btw, I do feel bad, didn't mean to go off the handle. I get too easily worked up in these discussions Ryoon. If you want I can send you a roughed out osage warbow stave, but it ain't gonna be super pretty, as I got rid of all the good osage staves I harvested this year and kept the duds that nobody would want for myself. The stave is 70 1/2", and has a bit of natural reflex. It will need to keep the sap wood on as I was going to use it when I roughed it out, and there is not enough wood to chase a ring I would think. The sapwood is still only about an eighth of an inch though, so there will be more than enough heartwood I hope to make you happy,
. Both ends have propeller twist for the last couple inches, which will need to be crowned (as much as you can without violating the back ring), as steam or heat correcting will not work on a stave this narrow. As long as the crown is not violating the back ring, it is safe and reliable to do this, if you haven't did that before. The alignment on one end needs to be corrected a bit too, as it warped a bit when I roughed it out too soon. Also, it was cut this spring, so it might need some hot boxing. If you think your up to the task, PM me your address, and i'll fedex it out to ya. Pics:
(This is a remnant of a knot, not and actual knot, the stave it's self is clean and knot free.)