Author Topic: Archery related soreness  (Read 1281 times)

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Offline Cyrille

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Archery related soreness
« on: November 26, 2012, 06:11:19 pm »
I guess this started about a month ago. and it's the same as it has been since that time. I have developed a soreness in my right shoulder area.
 I shoot a 47# recurve. I warm up before going to the butts.doing stretching exercises with a push-pull Piece of surgical rubber about 10 to12 reps  and then 5 to 6 push-pulls with the bow.  After 2 to 3 six arrow flights at the target the soreness disappears and I'm pain free until the next session
 I usually shoot  a half-hour a day at the butts.  which equals approximately 6/8 separate flights. per session.
 I DO NOT want to go down in bow poundage! So I was wondering that if I change the limb length i.e. from the present 62" to 64" if that would help alleviate the soreness or should I shorten my practice sessions by 10 or 15 minunites?
To Hunt, to loose, "perchance to dream."*
 Cyrille Troubadour & Archer.

* Paraphrasing Shakespeare's Hamlet

Offline YosemiteBen

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Re: Archery related soreness
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2012, 01:39:43 pm »
As with any other physical training you got to start slow and do different things every other day. Give your arm/shoulder a break, treat them to some heat and ice and massage alternately to help alleviate the stress to your shoulder.  Try some sports creme or something like to to aid in pain relief.  Look into isometric exercises as well. Good luck with that. Ben

Offline mullet

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Re: Archery related soreness
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2012, 01:56:36 pm »
Instead of shooting every day, take a one or two day break. It gives the muscles a chance to heal and inflamation to go down.
Also, some good stretching excercises for your shoulder and arms will help.
Lakeland, Florida
 If you have to pull the trigger, is it really archery?

Offline Eric Krewson

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Re: Archery related soreness
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2012, 03:19:57 pm »
I can relate; I am 65 years old and have been doing light weight lifting at the gym for the last  20 years. My wife became very ill and I stopped going to the gym to take care of her.

Within about a month of stopping my weight routines I pulled a muscle between my shoulder and chest shooting one of my heavier bows that has put me out of action for the last two months and all of bow season.

Wife is a little better(cancer) so I am headed to the gym on Dec 1st to try to rehab my shoulder.

My point being, as you get older you need more than just bow shooting to keep your  muscles in shape. Archery is a big part of my life so I have to fix this problem.