Thank you everyone for you input, it is very appreciated. The more I think about it and the more I read your comments the clearer the answer becomes to me, it's funny what you can talk yourself into in the heat of tillering a bow.
@Zion, thank you for your comment. If I pull the reflex out of that bottom limb that would seem to be a sure sign it is under too much strain and is taking set, I'm hoping to avoid that. I agree that the limbs seem to be bending pretty smoothly without major stiff spots or hinges. the tips are bending a little more than I want right now but I think if I stay away from them for the rest of the tillering process then they will straighten out. As for the limb exercising, there seems to be two camps on that theory. I find it really interesting, and I'm not trying to pick on you at all by bringing it up because I know a lot of people swear by it. The people that I have learned the majority of my bowyering from don't exercise the limbs any more than necessary claiming that it just puts the bow through un-needed stress and adds set. I'm curious what people's thoughts are on this.
@Gun Doc, Thanks, this is really the direction I was leaning it was just hard to convince myself of that last night for some reason. By the way, I'm still really enjoying your prairie rattler bow. It really launches an arrow. I think the sinew might have dried a bit more and added some weight. I measured it the other day at Gordon's house and it pulled about 70# at 26. As long as i keep up with my pushups and pullups I might use that bow to kill a big elk next year!

@ steve b., Thanks, I'll try the tip measurement method. I've been drawing a perfectly straight line down the side of each limb and then measuring how much the line is bent in each spot along the limb. That has helped me keep things pretty even up til now.
@adb, Thanks for your input. It seems like you are telling something different then Gun Doc and Steve b. maybe I'm misunderstanding you. It seems like you're telling me to ignore the reflex and make the tiller symmetrical. I feel like if I keep removing wood where it seems the limbs need to bend more then I will end up whittling the bottom limb away to nothing to counteract its reflex leaving in grossly over strained. I'm afraid I've done this to a limited extent already but I still have enough meat on the bow to rectify it. I did notice that the bottom limb seems to be bending further when i start to draw the bow a bit which is strange since that limb appears stiffer at brace. It changes as I draw. I'm not entirely sure how to interpret that.
@Keenan, I think i will try to heat in some more reflex in the top limb to match. That would likely solve a lot of my apparent problems in perception.