hey nice buck you shot ryan! a short track is the best aint it?! are you allowed more than one deer in PA? i remember my uncle and some friends used to drive down to PA because they were allowed to shoot like 5 deer with a rifle? is it split up into different zones in the state? any ways good luck to the rest of ya! i havnt been back out with the bow since i scored on my little button buck. i can still get another one with my bow and one with my muzzleloader. for archery, you can actually buy as many tags as you want in the expanded archery zones in maine! one of the zones is practicly across the street for me! its 12$ for a doe and 35$ for a buck. i got home from up north yesterday from deer camp. i was still hunting in the rain walking the edge of a swamp when something stood up about 100 yards away and walked up the bank. i thought it was a cow moose because of the size and of course with fogged up scope and glasses i couldnt see the head but then it flipped its tail back and forth and i saw a white butt then in two bounds it was gone. that deer was well over 250 and if it hadnt been for seeing the white on its tail and butt id have believed it was a moose. if i could have seen clearly through my glasses, i probably would have seen that monster buck and could have had an easy shot at him. i guess if i hadnt gone out in the rain i wouldnt have seen him at all. next year i already have my spot picked out for that area! theres so much woods in northern maine its hard to find were the deer stay. good luck every body!