I agree with bow. If you think about actual battlefield application, something like 1 shot per 5 seconds for a 120+lb warbow was very good, especially if you were accurate. that's 12 rounds (arrows

) per minute. Of course we have better guns now, but in those days, can you imagine how deadly that would be? each man could take out up to 12 people at that rate, very devastating if you don't have skilled archers like that, and even if you did its still a crushing amount of casualties per minute. Assuming that one of every 3 hit there mark, a group of 15,000 archers would be inflicting 5,000 casualties per minute. I think if any army had 150,000 accurate archers like that, they would have been unbeatable. Anyway, yes that is some impressive shooting on her part. i know i cant shoot that fast, let alone shoot more than 9 per minute, and at 25 ft im only able to hit a few...