Surely you jest! Does it ever really get cold in TX?!? Must be refering to Nebraska!

It gets chilly here occasionally, but seldom cold. I'm acclimated a little, but I'm not like the natives and to illustrate the difference... it was 38 degrees this morning. As I got in the car, my neighbor across the street was walking by in full cold weather gear, her face not visible. I was in short sleeves. She stopped and commented that yesterday morning, when it was 28, she had seen I was wearing a long sleeve shirt and that cold weather might be here. I had to laugh. I do keep a coat in the car down here, but almost never wear it. Last year it actually got cold enough in Dallas that both my outdoor faucets broke. We run the pool pump when it goes below 36 to make sure those pipes don't freeze and even with that the pool got about a half inch of ice on it last winter. That was unusual. Normally it goes well above freezing every day so in the unlikely event it snows there's little chance to hunt on it. That and ice fishing are what I miss most about the midwest.
Up in Nebraska, where I fought that old Ford, the winter was a whole nuther deal. Trying to get an old tractor to turn over and fire up when it's below zero is absolutely maddening. Even when I got it going, the odds all 4 cylinders would be firing still weren't very good. I can't believe I lived there all that time and never put a block heater on that Ford.