This buck was taken by the man that mentored me thru my first bows and my first big game hunting. The bow is osage orange with a knot clean thru the lower limb. I've shot this bow and she draws sweet and fine. It shows what happens to lemon yellow osage that gets carried in the field and exposed to plenty of fresh air and sunshine. Barry has long been frustrated by not being able to connect with a big Black Hills buck, but this year broke the spell.
The buck was following a doe with his nose curled up and tongue flicking in and out. The buck stopped, humped up, and peed down his back legs over a scraped patch of earth just before he got arrowed at an unthinkable 8 YARDS. I know, I know, I've lectured him a thousand times to stop taking chances on these long shots. Apparently this time he got lucky and it worked. The buck went no more than 65-70 yds before going down.

Just look at the girth on that neck! Rut city!

Still has the arrow in the entrance wound. For those of you new to hunting,
remember this spot! The buck was quartering away, so the arrow traversed diagonally forward taking out both lungs. Shot from the ground, too.