Heres two bows I finished simultaneously so im gonna post em up in the same thread. One is a 62" holmgaard made of flowering dogwood,52@27",19 ounces mass,the levers do bend and the last 6" of them are stiff,dyed brown,osage tip overlays,and leather stitched grip,with a couple of kinks

I cut this sapling back in march and it is heat treated as well. This is the first time i used dogwood and its about dead similar to hophornbeam id say. Good wood if tempered.
The other is a 61" R/D black locust flatbow,57@26",15.5 ounces mass,osage tip overlays,and barely a slight bending handle with a hemp wrap soaked in titebondIII. This was one of two staves I traded with clint(osage outlaw) for back at the tennesse classic. This stave was a mess,it twisted 90 degrees from end to end and had those two deflex kinks out the fade areas,and one deflexed kink has a sharper reflex out of it than the other,and the bottom limb has a lil more reflexed flip to it. I basically straightend it enough to be a bow but its still a airplane propellor,and i put a tad more reflex in the limbs as well. Its a tough one to judge based from these pics alone,but trust me shes right on the money

i put pics of the braced bow and full draw from both sides so you can see the prop in full draw and the diff from each way
Even though they are plain jane workhorses,both are fast hard hitting bows and i shot super tight groups with,which is always a plus with a hard hitter. wish i could take better pics,it was a lil hard trying to do both in the same frames