Thank all you guys for the comments. Yup, its one smooth drawing bow, about as fast as any I've made. There is also no handshock And it is almost noiseless!
@ Chris, thats kind of you to say, but I have to disagree about me being the master. you got them things down to a science! Thanks again for your help.
@ dwardo, I cut the levers out to 3/4" thick and 3/4" wide at the base tapering to 1/2" wide at the tip. From there I straightened them till they were aligned with the grip and in line with each other. Then I reflexed them on a form. It is of the UTMOST importance that they have the string runing down the exact center of the levers or they will twist out of alignment. After I tiller the bowI narrow the levers about 1/8" and reduce there thickness a bit. Blackhawk helped me with the dementions on mine and I'm sure he would help you out with any other ?'s you may have.