So, a few months ago i was looking for serviceberry. I found this tree that i thought was serviceberry but looked a little funky. it did have a very strong smell, though, and i took a small branch to test the strength of it. Liking what i saw, i cut it down and into 2 staves.
The first stave failed because i had no idea what i was doing, and was promptly burnt. The second stave was the top of the sapling, so i threw it in my barn and didn't touch it till recently.
This bow isn't much more of an experiment, since i have some really nice pieces seasoning. It seems to be a very strong wood, though much softer than say hawthorn or serviceberry. I'm gonna use more of this in the future!
I haven't taken a single measurement, but i estimate it's 53" ntn, and probably 55# @ 25". There is no finish and i barely sanded it, plus it is side-warped, but hey it would work in a pinch