Canting the bow and tilting your head will help to get your eye over the back of the arrow.
It looks as if your anchor point and hand is quite a way to the right of your eye. You can see it in the attached frame from your video just as the arrow is leaving.
A good trick is to draw up (but without the arrow on the string) aiming at your reflection in a mirror. It can really show up the alignment.
My old mentor, a target archer (now sadly passed on) was trying this one day in his bedroom with the arrow
on the string. He pulled the arrow through the clicker automatically loosed and shot the wardrobe

This link shows me shooting at the camera, dang I missed every time

but it shows the slight cant of the bow and the tilt of my head.
http://s411.beta.photobucket.com/user/Del_the_Cat/media/websitevideos/Ashshoot2.mp4.html(Sorry if you didn't want all this well meant gratuitous advice
