Author Topic: What's the dif?  (Read 2207 times)

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Offline k-hat

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What's the dif?
« on: October 31, 2012, 09:40:34 am »
Between ferr-l-tite hotmelt glue and the heavy duty stuff you get at the craft store??  I've been using the latter because it's on hand.  No problems except lost a couple of points in a target bag while shooting in 100 degree heat this summer.  I've heard of the same with the ferr-l-tite.  What do y'all use?  I also tried some ca glue on some points that i didn't care if they ever came off.  So far so good.

Offline sonny

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2012, 10:44:49 am »
Ferr-l-tite is much too brittle IMO. I like the amber colored hot melt glue as it's much more flexible, making
it better at shock resistance.
I don't remember ever losing a field point glued on with hot melt. I do thoroughly clean them with acetone before
gluing on.
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Offline sharpend60

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2012, 12:51:58 pm »
5min in epoxy works great.

Longer working time to get things lined up.
Its easy to do a dozen arrows at a time as well.

Believe it or not just heat it up an the pinot pops right off if you need a change

Offline Tom Leemans

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #3 on: October 31, 2012, 04:39:36 pm »
Ferr-l-tite is more brittle and you need to get the point real hot (after a good cleaning) to have it stick the best. I don't think it was initially developed with foam 3D targets in mind, in my opinion anyway. I like epoxy for holding on my points and BHs, but I still have ferr-l-tite in the tool box, just in case I need a quick repair.

Offline k-hat

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #4 on: October 31, 2012, 07:44:40 pm »
Ok, thanks for the info.  I went on and ordered it so i could at least test it for myself.  At least now i know that if it doesn't work well enough it may not be the operator ;D

Offline briarjumper12

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #5 on: November 02, 2012, 11:47:46 pm »
What kinda 5 min epoxy ya'll using?
I been using ferrlite since a started building my own arras a few years and have had a few points come off. Not many but a few in hard 3d targets. Hadn't thougt of cleaning with acetone...I'll remember that trick next week when mount the points and broadheads the dozen I am finishing up for my father.

Offline JW_Halverson

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Re: What's the dif?
« Reply #6 on: November 02, 2012, 11:58:34 pm »
I started out using Ferr-l-tite and switched over to hobby store glue sticks.  For the price of one stick of that amber stuff I could buy a dozen sticks of the cheap stuff.  Yeah, and lost my shirt buying new field points! 

I've back to using the more expensive, but effective stuff. 
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