There are no industry standards when it comes to selfbows 
Dang, you beat me to it

"Industry standard" RAOFPMSL
Standards, timescales, budgets project plans, progress meetings, risk assessments, flowcharts.
These are the very things we make bows to get away from.
If you had to do all that cr4p you'd never get round to sawing or splitting a log
Draw length is simply measured from the back of the bow to the string.
You've given me the cold shivers now... I had a horrible Halloween vision of some European Inspector with a clip board coming to test my bows so they could be CE marked.

"Ah, Mr Cat ve see you have not been to our test facility for ze authorization and approval of your archery equipment. I sink you need two days of testing, we can accomodate you in 2015 at 5000 Euro a day".
I think you should go and sit on the naughty step with a beer until you get such daft notions out of your head.
Heck we should all sit with a beer for a while
