I went on a stalk for deer in the wind. It was really blowing hard so I figured I would hit some thick betting grounds around a flooded pond, getting deeper by the year thanks to some beavers im not allowed to trap on my neighbors land. I can't complain too much though because he gave us duck hunting permission also. The flooded timber has become a sanctuary for mallards and wood ducks with some teal and black duck in the mix.
Some sections of an old snowmobile trail that goes through his land and are now flooded as well. 5 years ago they were five feet wide and maintained, but now they are chocked with fallen trees and wild rose. rabbit heavens. As I stalked along the overgrown and now in this section ,flooded trail, I kept bending down and around brush to see in front of me. the 72 " bamboo backed hickopry bow and back quiver were giving me a workout getting through it all. about 300 yards into my stalk i saw ripples in the water fifty yards ahead.....and the a flash of a duck every now and then through the thick weeds and tall grass that was blown over, hanging above the water, and screening where the duck was. only bits were visible every now and then, but it was clear the duck was contentedly feeding where the water reached the new bank.
I was wearing rubber boots so I slipped through the water and began my stalk down the flooded trail. After about 5 minutes I made it to 25 yards and waited as the Ducks (now i was sure there were three), fed behind brush only exposing themselves for a second at a time. When one was somewhat in the clear I raised my bow to ready for the shot. He saw me and slowly made his way away from me, bobbing his head like an alert turkey as he went, which peaked the curiosity of the other two mallards. As the second bird which was a hen cleared the brush to see around the corner, I saw her head first, and picked a spot on her body which was still somewhat obstructed by brush. I began my draw as she continued to slide out at an increasing pace as shee too began to get nervous. Slightly swinging my bowarm with her, i hit full draw while staring at that spot on the wing butt. I loosed just as she was about to clear the weed completely.
The arrow streaked to her and the two intersected perfectly, with a solid thwack as the arrow slapped the water at the same time.......she splashed a short few sections as i ran to her through the water, but was mostly still by the time i reached her......and i hooked her with my bow string and limb before she drifted deeper into the flooded timber. The squirrel point arrow i had used did its job very well, as evidenced by the color of the water and the shaft firmly inbedded halfway through the duck.

after giving thanks, i checked my phone to see the time and immediately headed for my land and house. [plenty of time to get dinner going.

Thirty minutes later I showed my six and two year old where the tender meat comes from on a duck.....and two hours later we sat down to milk braised duck breast with a white-wine deglaze drizzled overtop. My wife and kids couldnt get enough.
Duck definitely tastes better with a poplar skewer over steel peppercorns