Hey, thank you all for the input. I'll try to post pictures, but I have a crappy camera on my phone, and every attempt has failed to represent what is going on with this bow, IMO. Made some progress today. One thing we didn't cover in the class I took was heat-treating. Well, this morning I learned that my dad has a heat-gun in his shop, and although I had no idea what I was doing, I decided to risk it, and try to take the propeller curve, and much of the backset out of the limb, and it worked out pretty well. There appeared to be a tiny bit of string-follow afterward, but the tiller was much better-looking, and I corrected another problem, where the string wasn't totally in the center of the handle at brace-height, due to the prop-curve, poor knocks, and overall sloppy measuring. I also made some tweaks to my knocks, which weren't measured and made properly on the wonky limb, and that helped, too. Problem is, at that point I trusted my eyes instead of my brain, and started taking more wood out of the thinner limb, trying to get that near-perfect tiller, even though I know I have two very different limbs here. Now I have a fairly pretty bow so far, with a passable tiller, but one limb is still thicker, and I know that isn't right. At this point I should explain: the bow is for my girlfriend, for her birthday, and she can only draw at 30-35 lbs comfortably, so this bow isn't going to be taking down any bears or anything; mostly just shot for fun. If it's not perfect it's ok, but I'd still like to get it right, of course. I'm going for about a 24" draw-length, and it's only at 20" now, and pulling at about 52 pounds, so I'm relieved that I still have some way to go, and haven't totally ruined this thing, yet. I have to be very careful tomorrow, and count every scrape of the cabinet-scraper as I go. I don't think I'm in too much danger of breaking it (it's a pretty stout piece of hickory), but I know it's still a possibility. I've spent all my money on tools, and if this thing breaks, I've got nothing for her birthday. Whatever happens, I learned a hell of a lot today, and getting that prop-curve out made my week. I wish I had 500 staves sitting around: all I want to do is make bows. I dream about them, and everytime my mind wanders, I'm thinking about this bow. It's my entire life right now, and work and all else are distractions. Her birthday is the 29th. I will make this thing work.