Here is a hackberry recurve. It pulls about 43# @ 28". 62 3/4" NTN. I posted a bit about it here:,31083.0.htmlThis ain't the most polished bow, it could use a heat treating probably. I wanted to sinew back a nice amount of reflex into it, but I never got around to picking up any sinew. It does have 2 1/2" set in one limb, and 2" in the other. But other than that, string tension is great for a 40ish# bow, and it really spits an arrow out, probably alot to do with how physically light weight it is.

I went a little crazy with the wood burner after this picture, (learned lesson, never again, lol). Anyway, the damage is a sun and moon on each side, and another little stamp of my initials, so that either way you flip the bow, it is still kind of right side up. I did this as I couldn't decide which limb was stronger, LOL. Somehow this worked out in my mind as a solution at the time,

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Here is a linen backed osage recurve. This bow pulls 60# @ 26", probably about 70# @ 28", but I have only measured it out to 26". Although I have pulled and shot it many times at 28". I believe the bow is about 62" NTN. The bow holds about an inch of reflex. This guy turned out real nice. I absolutely loveeee some reflexed osage. Here is a link to a lazy build along I attempted and never finished: (I guess I'll finally stop being so lazy and post some finished pics, ..finally,
