I never make mistakes, Beadman! That pile of sticks in the corner of my shop are all "experimental alternative tillering techniques".

On the other hand, if that bow were yew, I would really hesitate to take it out if the temps were below freezing. I have heard enough stories of yew detonating in cold winter weather. Again, I have to worry about them being too dry. Yew requires much higher moisture content for survival than osage. And when a good yew stave
starts around $200 and comparable osage for around $40-70, it's more reason for tightwads like me to be careful.
Eric, I have hunted rabbits in January here in South Dakota with osage. I remember one hunt we called the "Frozen Foot Bunny Debacle" where many arrows were broken, lost, or thrown away in one case and after four hours at 10 below 0, we were three archers without so much as a single rabbit between us. Two osage bows, one sinew backed; one hickory bow....none broken, despite the unspoken urge to do so on purpose! Get out that bow and go hunting!