HA! What I do myself, is take something as simple and easy as a cord wrap, and turn it into something complicated, that takes half a day to do.

I like to make the cord myself (seriously) as I like to use a nicely waxed stiff cord, and wrap it without gluing. The wax makes it able to do that without slipping, you can get a really tight wrap that way. If you just wax normal cord it can cake up, and it just isn't like I like it. I have took them in the rain and never had one come undone. I can always get a good grip too, from the wax, even if it is wet and rainy out side. (Ok, I might be a little OCD about things, I probably don't need to go over board about a string wrapped around a bow, but what can I say.

) I actually made a little build along a while ago, just to prove how insane I am:
I make the cord like a two bundle bow string, but on a larger scale, so I will have enough cord.
(It's basically just a big bowstring, but for some reason I thought a build along was necessary, don't ask me why.) I just need 3 sturdy things to tie the strings to, with one being a bit closer than the other, as the strings shrink when you wrap them (duh). Here I am just using random crap in my yard:

Above, I have 6 lines of thicker cotton thread (or thin yarn) I bought in the yarn section of hobby lobby. After I tie each one, I run them over with beeswax, each gets it run over 3 times.

Then, after they are all waxed, I twist one bundle up and tie the bundle (now a bit shorter) to the 3rd thing I am using to tie the plys/bundles to:

(I tied it to my garbage can here)

Then, I twist the other bundle up in the same direction, I tie it down right next to the other one. Twisting can take a while sometimes:

Then, I cut them, and twist them (reverse wrap) in the opposite direction. Yes, just like making a bowstring, or a reverse wrap cord.

The end result is nice I think, pretty heavy duty and easier to wrap then normal cord: