Author Topic: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms  (Read 2546 times)

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Offline littlehunters19862011

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oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« on: October 15, 2012, 02:59:40 pm »
was up in my stand be for sun rise . was a little foggy but cleared up . did not see much other the some rabbits and squirrels.  i hope all that well change in the  days to come . praying i get my first bow kill ever soon  the odds are agents me as of right now .as  i have a up coming surgery that's going to keep me from hunting  the rest of the bow  season after  its done.

Offline armymedic.2

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2012, 06:41:16 pm »
All the luck buddy!
Some say freedom is free, well i have to disagree-
some say freedom is won, by the barrel of a gun.

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #2 on: October 16, 2012, 02:19:42 pm »
thanks . things are kinda lookin batter in my odds  got to my stand last night  late  but  right at dark had a buck doe and little fawn come out . i was ready   but  they never  come in to bow range . i am moving to a spot  with a climbing stand  that's closer  to were they  come out last night  in hopes  they well come back out tonight  i went this morning  and didn't see any thing . so just maybe ill see them again  tonight  . couldn't really see how big  the buck was  the past year i had a nice 6point  running around i never got a shot at  so i thank it might be the same deer .

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2012, 01:21:49 pm »
well i tried  one of my other hunting spots yesterday . went and sat in the bushes with my 40lbs recurve  bow . had a doe come out  about 45yards away and come to the other side of the woods down from were i was she was aware that sum thing was not right and she went in the woods next thing i no she come  around me got  down wind of me and well  purity much game over so i thought . after she run off .i took out my  deer call did a grunt  then went to a solft doe bleat ,did that off and on for about 10minits right as it was getting dark  she come back out of the woods were she has went in be for  and come right up to were i was she was no more then 15yards from me but she new sumthing was not right still and she would not step forward any more she stared me down i did not move a muscle Finley she turned and was going back the way she come win she turned i leaned forword  went to full draw and took my shot but my arrow hit the bushes in front of me and  she run off . i sat there for a min it  then got up found my arrow it was in the dirt about a foot from were she was standing  no blood on it  no blood on the ground  a good clean miss . that's the closest i have ever come to killing a deer with a bow . talk about lack of sleep last night .  :-\  here is a pic of the spot i was in
« Last Edit: October 18, 2012, 02:45:10 pm by littlehunters19862011 »

Offline littlehunters19862011

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hunting on a time limit with new bow
« Reply #4 on: October 23, 2012, 03:37:00 pm »
been hunting every day just about it the weather here don't no what it wants to do .i went to  a deer camp this past weekend .  didn't see any thing .. while  hunting but seen about 40 deer  all togethere  while riding around  the area. we got sum nice bucks on  the trail cams  but  they just was not moving  at the times we went out to hunt . on another note a good Friend of mine  gave me a martin bamboo viper Long bow this weekend . he sad he  had to Minny bows and wonted me to have it  i told him i cant just take it , he says yes you can take it and enjoy it . so i did  and man that thing is sweet my first Long bow . its a really nice shooter at 45lbs at 28in 64Long   a really nice bow . i about fell out  the Cherie win i seen the price  on those win i got home and looked them up he sad it was about a 900 droller bow i didn't thank it was  that hi  and the cheapest i have found them is 700 .  i have  been hunting with it seance he gave it to me  . now i have  the rest of the week and weekend to hunt be for my bow seasion comes to end because i now  am going to be Haven my surgery this coming up Monday . so  i hope  to get at least one more chance at shootin  a deer with a bow .it would really be nice to take one with a Long bow . Ive never killed any thing  with a bow be for and its really getting to me . i put in a lot of shooting time this past summer lots of shooting time . but if it dint happen I'm sure win I'm able to pull on a bow again ill get a shot at it again .want to say to all the bowhunters and selfbow stone tip  hunters out their  i hope u guys have a grate bow seasion with lots of arrows flying . and  deer in the Frazer ... good luck all ...

Offline Pappy

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2012, 06:48:31 am »
Sounds like you are having a good time,stay at it and it will happen.Good luck on your surgery,hope for a fast recovery.  :)
TwinOaks Bowhunters
Life is Good

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #6 on: October 25, 2012, 02:51:42 pm »
thanks pappy. i am having a good time i set and Waite for this time of year throw out the hole summer. it seems like it don't ever get here fast a nuff .I'm thinking this Friday well be a good morning  to hunt as we have a cold front coming in  and it well be colder all weekend . i am hoping  that well get the deer moving more dear in the day 

Offline littlehunters19862011

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Re: oping day for us here in hattiesburg ms
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2012, 04:31:57 pm »
well went to the deer camp Friday . got in the stand that every one has been shooting at deer in . and at 6 had a doe and 2 little ones come out and not far behind them another doe come out she stayed behind the others and was eating acorns she stepped forword and then i had a shot as she stepped again i let out a low maaa and was at full draw as i let my arrow fly i heard a clink and the deer run off like it was hit after waiting 20 minits and lookin for blood on from the stand i got down to go look for blood turns out my arrow hit a small limb in the tree and throw it in the dirt about 3feet below were the deer was standing it was only a 18yard shot that's been my luck going for the last time at home tonight i hope my luck well change tonight .