Author Topic: My 2007 kills  (Read 14694 times)

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My 2007 kills
« on: September 25, 2007, 05:38:10 pm »
I was using My 44# @ 26" BB backed Ipe and (don't scream) 35/55 GoldTips with 100 gr inserts and 125gr Magnus Stingers total weight about 480 grains. Opening morning found me sitting 16ft high in a sweet gum. I was in between a small isolated field and a national wildlife refuge that borders our property.  I was watching a trail that goes between the two and also have a salt lick 10yds away. There is also a 2nd lick thats been kept up for 5 yrs in the field. I had my trail camera set up in this area and had pics of at least 10 different bucks.

Before daylight I heard several deer move through the trail. From daylight until 7am I had 2 does 3 fawns and a spike go by. The spike didn't give me a shot. About 7:15 I heard another deer coming and got ready. He came in from my left and was on his way to the lick and he stopped quartering away from me. I took the shot and at I coul tell it entered a little higher than I was aiming for, and half the arrow was hanging out the top. After 30 minutes I climbed down and checked the area but didn't see any immediate blood. I went back home and a couple hours later I came back with help. We found him about 250yds away. The shot had went thru his liver and the far lung but didn't exit the body.

On Sunday my nephew Isaiah shot a doe and made a good shot on here and got a pass thru with his first selfbow. While we were tracking his doe my wife went to get gas for my atv. When she came back our 13yr old dog ran under a tire and he died before we could get him to the vet.  Here is cocoa.

I hunted sunday evening in hopes of killing a buck that I had saw still in velvet. I dubbed him a buck for cocoa. I saw him that night but he came to about 30 yds and stopped but his six sence must have kicked in because he turned around and went back the way he came.

Monday morning I slept in and then worked on the wifes blazer. I wasn't planning on going out in the evening but hit a snag that with the blazer. When I got to the small field I spooked a doe and fawn. I got to my stand and after turning the ThermaCell on I wiped my head,neck and arms down with scent killing wipes. I put my make up on, pulled up my bow, checked the time it was 4:38. I nocked an arrow and heard something but figured it was a squirrel. a minute later I saw something move in that direction. A minute later I could see part of a body but figured it was the doe or fawn because it was coming from the way they had left. I stood up just in case. I could now see it was Cocoa's buck. He stopped with his body covered and looked around and then turned slightly and took a couple steps and stopped again and I took the slightly quartering away shot. The shot looked good and the arrow was in up to the feathers. He went 50 yds and died. The shot entered going thru the liver and catching the far side lung exiting just behind the front leg. I had always wanted a buck still in velvet. So here is "The Buck for Cocoa" 

Offline Hillbilly

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2007, 06:56:21 pm »
Congratulations! Sorry to hear about Cocoa, had the same thing happen to one of my dogs once, except it was me driving- didn't feel too good for awhile after that. Looks like a great weekend of hunting though, couple of nice bucks, and getting them with a bow you made makes them even better. That velvet buck is awesome, never killed one in velvet myself so far.
Smoky Mountains, NC

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Offline DanaM

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #2 on: September 25, 2007, 08:41:48 pm »
Way to go Ron, sounds like you had a great time, but yer breaking my heart with the sad tale of Cocoa. Its amazing how dogs become family memebers and
claim such a large part of our hearts, my condolances to you and your wife. We have two yorkies and and I know we would be devasted at their loss.
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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2007, 09:57:18 pm »
Nice job Ron! Sorry to hear about your buddy too - mine chased a deer out of the back yard and was never seen again - dernit!
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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2007, 10:48:58 pm »
Thanks guys here is what they looked like when they were alive

Offline Pat B

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2007, 01:03:59 am »
Sorry about Cocoa Ron. My dogs are family so I feel your pain.    Nice buck. I'm surprised your first deer went so far especially since you didn't pursue it til later. With a liver and lung shot I would have thought it would have laid down closer. OH well, that's deer hunting.    Pat
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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #6 on: September 26, 2007, 05:28:42 am »
Congrats on the deer and really sorry about your dog,been there done that and it ant no fun. :(
TwinOaks Bowhunters
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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #7 on: September 26, 2007, 08:21:39 am »

Sorry about your dog Ron. We had an english setter that I pretty much grew up with. Got him when I was around 3 years old as a puppy, and he lived to be 16. He and I spent many a day roaming the fields and woods together!

Congrats on your deer, that's quite a start of the season you've accomplished. I'm sure you're hooked for life now on traditional equipment.

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #8 on: September 26, 2007, 10:17:18 am »
Nice bucks. Got a seven point on trail cam that looks a lot like the smaller of the two that you got. Really sorry to hear about your buddy. I think we, who have dogs that we are close to, know what you are going through. Know I would feel extemely bad loosing any of the ones I have right now. Two English Springer Spanials, female just had 4 pups, male is the dad. Going to get her fixed. Hunt and just walk the woods with them all the time. They a real comfort.

Offline TRACY

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2007, 09:55:53 pm »
Sorry about your dog. Real bummer. I hope your season is a great one as it appears to be off to an awesome start.
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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #10 on: September 30, 2007, 10:11:48 am »
I'm sorry to hear about your dog as well.Your deer season seems to be off to a excellant start.Keep up the good work.And thanks for shareing.tradrick

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Re: My 2007 kills
« Reply #11 on: September 30, 2007, 11:23:27 am »
    That's a shame about your pup.My lab's like family too.Congratulations on some fine deer,it looks like you did your homework.
Lakeland, Florida
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