Author Topic: New Knapper  (Read 1446 times)

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Offline seider

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New Knapper
« on: October 14, 2012, 10:43:43 pm »
I have a Friend who's daughter would love to get into knapping i have the rock for her to mess with i am just looking for some tools for her to use....  I don't need much for her now I am just looking to get her started.  Would like maybe a 1/2" and 1" bopper and maybe someone has a old ishi stick laying around.. Let me know she really enjoys breaking rock with me and would like to be able do it more.  I have also posted this in the trading post..  I would really like to get her going on this

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Offline StevenT

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Re: New Knapper
« Reply #1 on: October 15, 2012, 11:31:38 am »
As a suggestion, part of the fun of knapping is making your own tools. You really don't have to do anything fancy to start. If you want to go copper, all you need to do is go to hardware store and buy one copper end cap of the sizes you want. Stick it on the end of a piece of wood such as broom stick or piece of wooden dowel rod. Try to get a tight a fit as you can and then use a piece of duct tape to help keep the cap on. You really don't even have to worry about making it doomed shape. It is primitive, it will work well and is a great way to start . And only cost pennies. It is enough to get started. As for an ishi stick, buy a foot of the wire that has a decent sized solid copper wire in it. Strip it and cut it down to about an inch and a half. Drill a hole in the end of an broom stick and put a little piece of copper wire in it and you have an easy ishi stick.  If you need a piece of leather, think about old leather shoes. Again, no cost and it is enough to get you going. Do think safety and get her a pair of safety glasses. Making you own tools will be a lot of fun and peak interest to boot.

Offline bubby

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Re: New Knapper
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2012, 05:24:30 pm »
i make almost all my tool's, bought a delrin pressure flaker, then i found a source to buy it and made my son a flaker and two ishi's for $15, for your copper wire buy some copper ground wire at lowes or something, 1/4" put one end in a vice and the other in your drill and spin it till it breaks free, this will stiffen it up real good, Bub
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