Trying for 70#s at 24". I was aiming around 66" to 68" nock to nock, or not much less than that.. Unless it is needed to be smaller to up the wieght. Including siyahs. All will be red oak. My game plan so far is to Make a 60" or so pyramid bow out of 2 1/4" wide oak board from lowes, tappering from 2 1/4" to 1/4" and at a constant 1/2" thickness, then cut the tips just enough to remove temporary nocks and glue on siyahs. Also wrap siyahs and glued on riser before stressing to avoid potential glue failures. Siyahs will be from as plain sawn red oak as I can find at lowes to constitute the rings not being pulled apart. Not sure what wideth I should get, want to get as small as possible, but might have to fork out for a little longer glue area. What I am puzzled about is what dimensions I should go for to MAKE SURE I get 70# at 24". This is what I could really use some advice on from someone more experienced.