OK, guys n gals. Here is the white oak molle I have been working on for the last month or so. It is 66" t2t and 64" n2n, 55# @ 27". It is 2" wide at the handle fade and 1.5" wide at the lever fade. I got the idea of white oak as a material from Howard, the rawhide from Adam (ADB), the rat snake skins from Cipriano, and the wood from my local lumber yard. Thanks to Half Eye, too, for his advice during the process. I used TB3 to glue on the rawhide and an off-brand unflavored gelatin as the hide glue for the skins. I used Fiebings leather dye for the bow and limbs. They were out of light brown so I tried British Tan which turned out orange. (cheap osage)

. I used black on the levers. I used zebra wood tip overlays and then decided to cover them up with the black. Real smart, I know. I used a golf tee for the rest and suede leather for the grip with goat laces. I wrapped the color transitions at the levers with gold dacron B-50. I haven't served the string yet and not sure if i am going to put a strike plate on there. She's pretty quiet as is. I was canting the bow when my wife took the full draw pic so it looks out of tiller. I tried to get her to take another so I could straighten the bow up and suck my gut in, but she was busy. I added a tiller tree view, though. All pics below. I hope you like it. I sure do.