Author Topic: Middle Finger Gets Results  (Read 2467 times)

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Offline JustJake

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Middle Finger Gets Results
« on: October 12, 2012, 12:15:35 am »
Just wanted to say thanks and give some comments on this site.  I recently joined and started a thread on being frustrated with my shooting ability.  I got many responses and I also started reading many other threads. 

Everyone I know shoots compounds (or even crossbows).  A coworker literally pulled his bow out of the closet the weekend before opening,  shot a few arrows, said yep, my pins are still good, and shot a buck opening day.  Another shot a nice buck last season at 50 YARDS!  It is embaressing to have a conversation about not being able to put 3 arrows in the kill zone from 20 yards.

Not knowing any other primitive / instinctive shooters and pretty much being self taught, it was great to read all of the techniques, shooting styles, problems, and successes discussed here.

Anyway, after taking it all in I moved up to 10 yards, tried different anchor points, and just simply refocused with new-found enthuseism.

Last night I was bringing my middle finger to the corner of my mouth and getting great results.  I took a break, came back, and put 18 arrows in a row into my foam deer target.  Not all were great kill zone shots, but I did not have to dig a single one out of my backstop.  I don't know if I've ever done that.

So again, thanks to all.  Special thanks to Armymedic.2 (and yeah, you should use spell check man).  It's a great magazine, great site, and great sport.


P.S. Still looking to hear from anyone in Wisconsin.

Offline Parnell

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Re: Middle Finger Gets Results
« Reply #1 on: October 12, 2012, 10:49:18 am »
It's amazing how important technique is in shooting.  I watch a lot of Jimmy Blackmon's videos and try to mimick good the good form.  One thing that blew my mind starting out was how much emphasis I placed on making such a great bow when the arrows are probably more important to have right and of course, technique!

I know there are a couple of guys in Northern Illinois.  Where are you in Wisconsin?

Offline armymedic.2

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Re: Middle Finger Gets Results
« Reply #2 on: October 14, 2012, 09:35:23 pm »
Glad it worked!  My office is wherever i am on the i do apologize for the touchscreen spelling...but got the idea!   

Feels great to look and watch the arrow appear doesnt it!   

This site is the best.   It taught me how to make a functional bow.  Heck it even got me on the cover of prim archer once for a bow i built in the army.   

Great people here.   My wife calls everyone here my "furry friends" since my interest is hunting based.   Lol.   Good luck on the deer!
Some say freedom is free, well i have to disagree-
some say freedom is won, by the barrel of a gun.

Offline Jeremy Holden

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Re: Middle Finger Gets Results
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2012, 11:07:46 am »
Good to hear you're getting better and more confident.  I can relate with being the only one in the hunting group that shoots a recurve or longbow.  And now I'm shooting a selfbow, talk about putting yourself out on an island.  But I love my island, and anyone is free to come over!

Where in Wisconsin are you?  I live in Northeast IL.  Maybe I'm not too far away...


Offline Moggy

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Re: Middle Finger Gets Results
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2012, 09:03:52 pm »
I have been shooting one strings barebow to hunt with since 1995. If you want to kill more Deer,,use a compound or crossbow. The easier it is to shoot at further distance with let off and sights, the easier it is to kill. Hunting with a one string is a close game,,mostly within 30 yards but better to say within 20 yards. You have the real.desire to hunt with simplicity and this goes wayyyyyyyyyyyy beyond wanting to kill stuff. If you know you will need to kill stuff? go to a compound or muzzleloader, 3006. I get peeved sometimes, get the desire to slay something. When I get this way, I slow down and hunt squirrels or just chill out. I do not want to go back to pre95 and carry heavy gadgets around with a mindset of pressure to kill every Deer, seize every oppotunity to kill. If I was starving,, I would just drag out the 243!! Bowhunting is is namesake,,a wood bow and arrows makes it the dreams of blowing leaves and relaxed days. Get good enough to kill stuff at 20 and in,,refine your role as a hunter with woodsmanship and skill to get close,,,,that is the fun of it!!!

Offline Moggy

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Re: Middle Finger Gets Results
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2012, 09:08:18 pm »
Forgot,,the first year in 1995 I killed an Elk and the best Buck with a recurve!! Since I have killed another Elk and about 2 dozen Deer,,one Mule deer. The stick is deadly when you hone all your skills to get close shots on game. Killing a little squirrel,,frying it up like a gourmet dinner is the reward! Plus when you can kill squirrels with your bow your gonna kill bigger stuff. Small game hunting with a bow is the best training!!!!!!!