That bow is a pretty as they get. Very fine stick there and well crafted, a real beauty.
Thanks Greg. You never know with the ugly bits of wood till it either goes pop or makes a bow
I really really like that. Nice work!
Cheers Slackbunny
Nice job! Love that handle design.
Thanks cody. Leaning towards arrow shelves lately and this one was stolen straight from a bow by Keenan
Beautiful bow Dwardo.Very nice job.Limbs handle tips and all.Have fun with that little honey.
Cheers Beadman. The tips are a bot chunkier than usual but being yew and my main shooting place being woods whilst i am camping i am happy to sacrafice a few fps for not breaking them.
That is seriously gorgeous... just gotta love that toffee and cream look.
Lve the nocks, clean simplicity, that's what we love.
I'll bet she spits out the arrows too.
Looks similar to my Twister which pulls about 47#, great style of bow for field shooting.
Great bow.
Cheers Dell mate. Looking forward to a straight bit of wood after the last couple, although i do have a few snakey bits left to drive me bonkers.
Nice work!Just love the look of yew(wish we had that growing in WI)-Hammertime
Pretty rare here too, certainly suitable bits, even less where no one is looking

Very nice 
Thanks bud.
Purdy sweet, for sure!! 

GREAT lookin' bow ! Gotta love those humpy/lumpy/knotty ones - I've always wanted to make one of those. Good job !
Thanks. bumps n warts are sure nice to look at but drive you potty tillering.