Good work! Your temps are fine, but f you put the bow in the sun it will cure a little faster. Air movement is even better, helps wick off the moisture.
As for saving the rest of your glue, just let it gel into jiggler consistency, pop it outa the little crock, and put it in a plastic bag in the freezer. If you are going to use more in the next day or so, you can refrigerate. If you leave it for long it will get moldy and stink to high heaven.
You can also warm it up and pour it over a cookie sheet to increase the surface area. Once it gells, chop it fine and spread out on several cookie sheets to dry. Make sure you have air moving across it to it dries quickly or it will mold. It will re-constitute in warm water, but the larger the chips you make the longer it takes for them to re-constitute.
These days I just use the freezer, it's more convenient for me.