Author Topic: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.  (Read 35142 times)

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2012, 11:39:24 am »
Thats pretty close to primitive, but what did you use to build your bow?!?  :laugh: ;)

I think alot of us on here have already pointed out we are as primitive as we are right now. I have loved this journey and look forward to constantly improving my skills, but everyday I find myself using something modern to speed up or simplify the process. For some of us still using certain modern "crutches" thats ok! I just love to see where everyone's at. Very few of us want to challenge ourselves in, truly, "the old way." but many of us possess the skills were it needful to survive.

In short, don't get down on yourself if you ain't there yet. And don't let anyone criticize what you're using or how you're huntin.

Live where you're at and tomorrow move on!


Offline boughnut

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2012, 12:03:48 pm »
I have really enjoyed the post so far! true test to the life of primitive hunting. I have been working like a dog to complete a bow string that will be part of of a two part article in Primitive Archer Magazine maybe next year. I am hoping to take a deer with it if everything works out. So I will  be 100% (dogwood arrows, flint point, primitive paint, turkey feathered, milkweed string and osage slefbow)made from the outdoors primitive this time around. wish me luck!!!!

Cant wait to see the artical If it is anything like your dog wood arrow build along It will be great.  I was unable to make it out this morn I woke up started getting my camo's on strung my bow took a few practice shots with my flood light on and my wife calls me and say you better come back to the house Riley (my son) is sick he just woke up and is burning up.  I went back up took his temp and it was 102.6.  I gave him some tylenol to break his temp and held him till he feel back asleep.  Now it was 8:15 in the morn That magic sunrise was gone but I said well I will give it another go.  got all my camo back on and my step dad calls with bad news,  A friend of ours son went loopy and tried to strangle his mom she faught him off bashed him in the head with a seramic plate and knocked him out cold.  He is in the hospital with a coma and she is in the hospital with a broke ankle.  Be ware of the crap they sell at gas stations that imitate marijuana, he was on it at the time.  Needless to say after that I decieded today was just not my day to be in the woods.  Waiting to hear more and my prayers are with them that they get through this.  so now my concentration is on my son waiting for him to wake up so I can give him the doctor dad checkup and see if we need to take him to the doc.  Maybe tomorrow will be a better day.  Hope everone elses season is starting of better than mine.

Offline iowabow

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2012, 04:24:38 pm »
Thats pretty close to primitive, but what did you use to build your bow?!?  :laugh: ;)

I think a lot  of us on here have already pointed out we are as primitive as we are right now. I have loved this journey and look forward to constantly improving my skills, but everyday I find myself using something modern to speed up or simplify the process. For some of us still using certain modern "crutches" that's OK! I just love to see where everyone's at. Very few of us want to challenge ourselves in, truly, "the old way." but many of us possess the skills were it needful to survive.

In short, don't get down on yourself if you ain't there yet. And don't let anyone criticize what you're using or how you're huntin.
WOW Scott you called me out on my tools for making my selfbow. I guess I will have to pull out that peck and grind axe I made last year and knock one out this winter.

Live where you're at and tomorrow move on!


WOW Scott you called me out on my tools for making my selfbow :o. I guess I will have to pull out that peck and grind axe I made last year and knock one out this winter. ;D But you are correct I was referring to the materials not the all encompassing process or environment that is required for the production. Annette has already said that she is not sleeping in a teepee during hunting season to make it legitimate. By the way she has new hunting equipment this year and should be able to take a larger deer. She has a new JEEP!
(:::.) The ABO path is a new frontier to the past!


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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2012, 05:36:43 pm »
Haha! If she follows our journey of "simplifying to make it more challenging," she will soon be using a bicycle!!  ;D


Offline boughnut

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2012, 05:48:32 pm »
Haha! If she follows our journey of "simplifying to make it more challenging," she will soon be using a bicycle!!  ;D

haha I vote horse drawn wagon or just horse

Offline huntertrapper

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2012, 10:50:39 pm »
ive been huntin doves with my slingshot but for deer yeah ill be after them a bit with the elm selfbow and cant guarantee the arrows will be primitive. a mix of wood, handmade or non, or whatever aluminum but i ususally frolick in the woods with primitve clothes, moccasins most times and wool clothing
Modern Day Tramp

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #81 on: October 01, 2012, 04:41:44 pm »
BY next week Oct 13 opening day, myself and the boys are headed out for deer here in AZ. I plan to set my new canvas "Baker's tent" and settle in by Friday.
I'll be bring'n my trusty Ash flatbow 54#@27" and a back-up BL w/ sinewbacked along with 2dz. arrows. There's plenty of bunnies for the pot up thar in them hills. My brother is hunting with an ole' favorite a .300 Savage lever action. We'll get something "by gollie".
Forever making arrows!

Offline turtle

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #82 on: October 06, 2012, 09:49:57 am »
Haha! If she follows our journey of "simplifying to make it more challenging," she will soon be using a bicycle!!  ;D

haha I vote horse drawn wagon or just horse
I cant wait till she gets down to just shoe leather. ::)
Steve Bennett

Offline iowabow

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #83 on: October 06, 2012, 02:48:07 pm »
Mrs iowabow wants to know if its flats or heel? She sees this conversation as an opportunity for retail therapy for this years "in season" ammo. Thanks for giving her ideas.
(:::.) The ABO path is a new frontier to the past!

Offline turtle

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #84 on: October 07, 2012, 10:44:51 am »
Heels with flint tipped toes. ;)
Steve Bennett

Offline wolleybugger

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Re: how many people plan on hunting deer or elk primitive.
« Reply #85 on: October 07, 2012, 11:56:57 pm »
Third season with a Osage self bow, missed two turkeys so far. First year hunting with boo arrows and stone heads. Missed a doe, hit a branch I didn't see and shot under her. Plenty of time for another crack at