Well, we're finally off an running. I've got a couple of packs of back strap and roasts left but a lot of freezer space to fill. This evening I got in the tree with about 2 hours of daylight. The deer have been moving well the past two days with heavy rain.
After about 15 min. the squirrels came back out and got busy cutting acorns out of the big white oak I'm hunting by. With about 30 min. of daylight left 5 does and a yearling came in to eat. I'm hunting over a bunch of dogwoods which give me good concealment and a few select shooting holes. The does managed to avoid the shooting holes until they were 25 - 30 yards out. I could have taken a shot at 25 several times but preferred a closer one. The yearling ate right in front of me. I waited in hopes that the does would circle around but soon they began to ease off away from me. I decided that I wanted the tender young meat. I also needed a yearling hide to make rawhide out of so this one fit the bill. I shot him and called Woody who has a redbone we are training as a tracking dog. This was # 3 for him on the season and he ran straight to my deer.
I cut the top of one lung out, the artery along his back and center punched the other lung. He went about 60 yards and piled up. He was running dead.
TradTech Titan 3, 40#, POC arrows with 160gr. ACE broadheads. Clean passthrough.