Ok then, that being the case, you will definitely want the handle to bend. Otherwise you are just asking too much from the wood. You have put a lot of work into it so far, so why not get the most from it? With that part working, you will want the grain of the plug to be running in the same direction as the rest of the wood. When you tiller it save the handle and fades to the last. When you get the limbs bending evenly out to 25" of draw at your desired draw weight, that's when you start getting first the fades and then the handle itself bending. The handle is narrower so it will have to be thicker than the limbs to avoid a hinge there, so take your time. Also, since the handle is narrower, you have less wood surface to spread out the load, so you don't want as much bend in the handle as the limbs are bending. You should just start to feel the handle bend in your bow hand at about 26" of draw. Josh