The rawhide bowstring was a bit much so I left that boat rope on it. That's why I went out and bought some aluminum arrows, because I was in over my head with the arrows. Also for shaft thickness comparison.
I got other people to pull it so I can judge where the bow does/does not bend and did some "fine tuning" on it. The more I tuned it and thinned it down in certain sections- namely the tips- the tighter the rope got after some adjusting and re-tying, I can now "play" my bow. Also, the more I tuned it everything seemed to fall into place in my mind.
After that I cut a triangular notch from center and up (like other bows here), then I put one of those arrows on it and made sure it lined up at the back and shot it. This thing is a blast to shoot, my poor wrist became too sore from the string hitting it though.
The first few adjustments the arrow shot "spiral-y," after more tuning and adjustments the arrow shot straight and much faster, it was awesome seeing it whiz through the air.
Anyway, I had a big grin on my face after that. I've yet to pull it to full draw though (28.5" [does the half even matter?]). I figure I got to 20" at best. I took a shot at a thin door and it went through both sides of the door.
Long post yeah but there's still more adjusting to do. This "bow" is about 5'6'' tall which I'm sure is still too tall. Reading other posts here others seem to have theirs about 50-something inches but they still draw 50-something pounds. Even though I thinned it down I still kept it somewhat beefy. I think as long as I measure from center evenly and cut some inches off the tips I'll still be ok.